Here is the thing. I NEVER find a deal on something specific I am hunting for. I find deals all the time
on stuff I don't need. Then I buy it. And then I find a spot in my home for it. (I'm not alone here, right?
But if I go hunting for a particular item at a decent price, I will not find it. Ever. Nope.
But I
did this time! And I am so excited because the stars all aligned and all is right with the world.
Or my world. Or at least my sunroom wall!
Here is the mirror I fell in love with:
I loved the color, the texture of the driftwood, the size - everything. It wasn't
too badly priced at $229. From this random
company called
RSHCatalog. I had never heard of it until I got the catalog in the mail. There is a lot of weird Lillian Vernon-type stuff but also some cute stuff. They go a little overboard with their "themes" but if you are selective
you can find some cute items. Regardless, I did not really want to spend that much on a mirror
(Read: I did not want to have to tell the hubs how much I spent on a mirror we don't really need).
If you remember, I repurposed the Sunroom
mirror into a pub mirror over in my
entranceway. So this wasn't a planned purchase.
I was thinking I would just stalk HomeGoods and find something similar. They always have lots of beach-y
accessories this time of year. But then I started thinking. Hmmm... do I ever find a item when I am looking
for something really
specific? Uh, no! So then I started thinking I should just bite the bullet and buy the mirror.
But then I got THIS email!
Do you see it?! Down there at the bottom?! The mirror. Or close enough for me! Especially when the price was
only $79! So I crossed my fingers, ordered and hoped it wouldn't look hideous (I'm not much of a Kirklands fan).
So here it is!
I think it's pretty good! Right?!
It goes great with the distressed wooden stars I got at the Lucketts Spring Mart.
Um. Yeah. They are still sitting on the floor. Not hung. (Mind your own business!)
The best part of this whole story is that today when I went to grab the picture off the RSH website it
read their mirror was
sold out! So. It was all meant to be! I love that!