Sunday, January 19, 2014

My OCD disguised as Organizing

I want to share some of my tips for keeping my life organized and stress free uh… reduced!

Let me preface by fully admitting I am a little OCD. Having a tidy, clean house
just makes it easier for me to relax and, quite frankly, even think!

1.) Make my bed every day. It is amazing how nice it is to slip into a nicely made bed at the end of the day!
Before I got my dogs I would even turn down our sheets! Just think how lovely the turn-down service at a hotel is.
You should have that feeling every night. Go ahead and leave yourself a chocolate on the pillow too!

2.) I keep a running shopping list on the side of the fridge. Whenever something gets used up my
family knows to write it on the list the same time they throw the empty out. It took a little to time
to get them trained - but once you do it really works!

3.) I never leave dirty dishes on the counter or in the sink. Seriously. It only take a couple seconds
to throw them in the dishwasher. Your kitchen will just always look better and cleaner instantly.

4.) Keep up with the laundry! Do a load of wash every (other) day. If you just do one load every day/evening
it won't pile up to a mountain that you just keep putting off! Do ONE load and finish it. This does not mean you
leave it in the dryer. It means fold it AND put it away! Don't drag one load out over 48 hours.When you don't
do this you clutter your house. If the clothes are clean but in a basket to be folded or folded but still
sitting on the top of the washer it makes it seem like you still have a bunch of work to do!

5.) All of makeup is in desk organizers in the drawers in my bathroom. I totally lucked out and found some that
fit the drawers perfectly! That smaller one sits perfectly on the top edge of the drawer...
 So I can store more makeup underneath. This drawer holds some of my favorite eyeshadows, blushes and palettes.
 I have another drawer that is filled with my hair accessories and nail polishes.
Now. Don't judge. This next drawer has all my lip products, pencil liners and foundations. Yes. There are a lot!
In that little pink Vera Bradley bag I keep the concealer, powder and foundation I use most often.
I might as well put it all out there. I have already shown the worst. Let me prep you by saying I was a fashion
major in college. So I really, really love clothes and jewelry and makeup. And I really wanted to enjoy walking
into my closet each morning and "shopping" for my outfit of the day. I did not do any tidying up before I
took these pictures either. So this is pretty much how it always looks in the drawers and the closet.
So I have little jewelry displays in there. Those are my handbags along the top. And my jeans and leggings at
the bottom. All my clothing is organized by type and color - just like in a boutique.
Those pink bins up top have off season clothing like bathing suits and shorts and things. Next, on the right,
are all of my tops. Short-sleeve and sleeveless on top and long sleeve and jackets on the bottom. Keep in mind,
I keep all my clothes in my closet. So all my t-shirts, underwear - everything.
I am hoping that telling you makes it better and not so shocking! LOL!
And then the shoes…
with another shelf of jewelry display in the middle.

Well that's it for today. What do you do that helps you get through your days easier?


Anonymous said...

Would love to know where to find the desk organizer that you used for make up.

Lisa @ HouseOfFabForLess said...

Sadly, I bought that SO long ago I really can't even remember. If I had to guess though, I would say Target. It looks like the smaller tray in one of those 2 tray sets.

Anonymous said...

I love all your ideas!!!! The only problem is - I'm feel really depressed right now!!! :( Do you make house calls? LOL

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